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Logitech Pebble M350 Bluetooth Not Working, How To Fix?



Logitech’s Pebble M350 arrives in a huge rock shape. This gadget’s size is about a portion of the size of a typical palm. The matte completion of the plastic makes it sweat-safe. Dust and different particles might get caught inside the fold, which can be effectively cleaned utilizing a brush when the fold is eliminated. Any fluid spills can likewise be gotten dry the mouse with the removable cover.

However, it is as yet inclined to numerous issues, as of late, numerous clients began announcing that the Logitech Pebble M350 Bluetooth isn’t working. Indeed, on exploring, we have discovered a portion of the possible reasons and their fixes to determine the Bluetooth not working issue with your Logitech Pebble M350. Accordingly, try to peruse this manual for know those fixes. Thus, we should get everything rolling with them.

Instructions to Fix Logitech Pebble M350 Bluetooth Not Working

Did you have a comparative encounter? The Logitech Pebble M350 Bluetooth mouse doesn’t work when you open your PC. Tragically, this issue with Bluetooth mice is normal, and there are many fixes accessible utilizing which you can undoubtedly determine this blunder. In this way, we should look at those fixes:

Fix 1: Reconnect Your Mouse

You can constantly reconnect your mouse utilizing the main choice when your mouse quits answering. To reconnect the Bluetooth mouse with your PC, you typically need to switch the mouse now and again, turn off and once again plug the recipient dongle, or restart your PC.

In any case, it is conceivable that the visit mouse Bluetooth isn’t associated with because of a specialized issue. In this present circumstance, I suggest reconnecting your mouse. A few clients revealed that their mouse had the option to interface in the wake of associating. To assist you with making it happen on the off chance that you’re curious about it, here are a few stages:

  1. Start by turning on your Logitech Pebble M350.
  2. After that, click Connect to connect your Pebble to the channel you’d like to join.
  3. You’re done. See if the mouse connects again.

Fix 2: Restart Your PC

You can basically reboot your gadget and afterward have a go at interfacing it again to the Logitech Pebble M350. Whenever you have finished these means, your gadget will be restarted. It’s conceivable that an undesirable reserve document on your gadget might be causing this issue rather than your mouse.

This issue must be settled by erasing these reserve records. This is certainly not a muddled cycle. You just have to restart your PC framework prior to reconnecting the Logitech Pebble M350 Wireless Mouse. This will without a doubt assist you with fixing the Bluetooth not working issue.

Fix 3: Update OS

You might see an exhibition improvement in the wake of refreshing the working framework on your gadget. Regardless, slow frameworks or old equipment ought to be remembered while introducing refreshes. That will be put something aside for another article. Be that as it may, when you have a strong PC, you should refresh your working framework on a more regular basis.

The Logitech Pebble M350 Bluetooth isn’t working because of successive similarity issues and minor changes related with these updates. In this way, it is essential to guarantee that our gadget’s OS is refreshed.

Fix 4: Try Power Cycling Your Mouse

On the off chance that Bluetooth isn’t working or not associating with your gadget, power cycle your Logitech Pebble M350 mouse. By the by, you should turn off your mouse’s batteries and turn them off. From that point onward, embed the batteries and allow them to sit for some time. When you restart it, you will observe that it is working typically in the future.

Fix 5: Update Your Driver

This M350 Bluetooth not working issue might be brought about by an issue with your Bluetooth connector driver or mouse driver. Both manual and programmed ways are accessible for getting drivers. It is possible that you can utilize an outsider application to refresh your Bluetooth driver or just update it from the Device Manager.

  1. Open Device Manager.
  2. Double tap on the Bluetooth tab.
  3. From that point forward, right-click on the Bluetooth and select Update Driver.

Fix 6: Damage Batteries

You can anticipate that your fringe gadget’s batteries should endure between a half year and 90 days, contingent upon how much use you give them. You might have to supplant your Logitech Pebble M350 mouse batteries if so.

Your Logitech Pebble M350 should be charged first before you can decide if the issue has been settled. A Pebble M350 battery that isn’t as expected charged can be harmed.

Assuming this occurs, you’ll need to supplant them before you can check. A few clients detailed that the Bluetooth not working issue was consequently settled by supplanting the batteries.

Fix 7: Check If Any Other Device is Connected

A potential situation is that your PC won’t recognize your Logitech Pebble M350 remote mouse on the off chance that it is associated with another Bluetooth gadget. Hence, you should interface the Pebble M350 first in the wake of detaching the other gadget.

Fix 8: Update The Logitech Unifying Software

Go to Logitech’s true site and quest for Logitech Options Software assuming you’re uncertain whether your gadget has it. The adaptation of the application you are utilizing on your gadget should match the variant on the organization’s site.

In any case, you really want to uninstall the past adaptation. Whenever that is finished, follow the ordinary establishment moves toward introduce the Logitech Unifying Software.

Fix 9: Contact Logitech Officials

In the event that you’re actually encountering Pebble M350 Bluetooth not working issues, you ought to look for shared help with the Logitech people group. To contact Logitech’s help group, you can connect utilizing complementary numbers or by email after your framework is set up.

The organization will answer your grumbling in no less than seven days in the wake of getting it. Subsequently, it is just a question of standing by without complaining for a reaction to your solicitation whenever you have submitted it.

Thus, that is the manner by which to fix Logitech Pebble M350 Bluetooth not working issue. We trust that you find this article supportive. Be that as it may, in the event that you feel somewhat doubtful or questions, remark underneath and let us know.